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Hey there, TeeMates! So, we gotta talk about something... You know how we promise that the books go through more editing than a reality TV show? Well, sometimes those pesky typos and grammatical errors still manage to sneak through the cracks. Blame it on mischievous book gremlins or just plain old human errorโ€”we're still investigating. If you spot a typo that's giving you a chuckle or a grammatical error that's making your inner grammar nerd cringe, we're here to fix it. Plus, we promise not to send you on a wild goose chase through the online jungle for answers.

Simply use the form below to shoot us an email with the error, and our team of editors will swoop in to save the day. Oh, and if you just wanna drop us a line with some feedback or a friendly hello, that's cool too. We're all ears!